Oct 30, 2017
"The Farmer & The City Girl Podcast Episode 043 - Gun Culture
In this episode, Lesley Kelley and Rob Sharkey are talking about how rural and city folks view guns differently
Join us for #FCGchat Monday nights at 7pm central.
We'll be asking you to share your opinions
Oct 23, 2017
042 Cara Harbstreet, RD (really dope)
This week Rob learns about guest host Cara Harbstreet RD
Cara talks about how interactions with the Kansas Pork Board changed her opinions on her diet.
Oct 16, 2017
"The Farmer & The City Girl Podcast Episode 041 - Rob Sharkey is a hero! Going an entire week without gluten for the benefit of the podcast.
In this episode, Lesley Kelley and Rob Sharkey are talking about gluten and fad diets.
Join us for #FCGchat Monday nights at 7pm central.
We'll be asking you to share...
Oct 9, 2017
"The Farmer & The City Girl Podcast Episode 040 - Lanie White talks about having Celiac Disease
In this episode, Lesley Kelley and Rob Sharkey are talking to Lanie White about having Celiac Disease and how horrible Twizzlers are.
Join us for #FCGchat Monday nights at 7pm central.
We'll be asking you to share...
Oct 2, 2017
"The Farmer & The City Girl Podcast Episode 039 - Deep thoughts on tillage and casserole
In this episode, Lesley Kelley and Rob Sharkey are talking about different types of tillage
Join us for #FCGchat Monday nights at 7pm central.
We'll be asking you to share your opinions